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Pezid Appartements
Pezid Apartments, Fam. Handle
Dorfbahnstraße 62, A-6534 Serfaus
Tel +43 5476 6284, Fax 6284-50

Wellfeeling-Area. It does not require much that hectic releases you.

The wellbeing area at the Pezid: When sensual design and powerful nature merge, a good feeling emerges. An open dialogue between inside and outside. One that strikes a chord in the soul. And gladdens the heart. Whether a short break to replenish your energy or a couple of hours relaxing and slowing down – Our wellness area awaits you with rooms that will give you that ultimate feeling of well-being. It is a place of clarity that is soothing and refreshingly modern. A place of clarity, cosy and refreshingly modern. A casual and fairly stylish quirk.

The wellbeing facilities

Look forward to a wonderful wellbeing experience with all the frills. And, of course, there is also a sheltered outdoor terrace offering pure, fresh mountain air and views of the countryside...

  • Finnish Sauna
  • Steam bath
  • Softsauna
  • Flood shower
  • Bucket shothy
  • Ice fountain
  • Kneipp hose
  • Relaxingroom with waterbed
  • Contemplative Relaxingroom
  • Sheltered terrace
Entspannung und Wellness in Tirol
Wellness im Aparthotel Tirol
Pezid Apartments - Wellness und Erholung
Schönheitsbehandlungen im Pezid
Quick inquiry

We process your data strictly earmarked for answering your request / reservation. More details can be found in our Data protection.

Wellfeeling-Area Pezid Appartements
Wellness Einrichtungen in Serfaus