Our offers for your wellbeing.
Pezid PhysioRevital offers you more than therapeutic massages. Pezid PhysioRevital means renewed wellbeing. From head to foot. That is why you can enjoy top therapeutic expertise on the Pezid attic floor. Massages are ideal both before and after sporting activities. They loosen knotted muscles and ensure that you are able to enjoy your holiday totally relaxed.
Mobilisierende Physiotherapie
Behandlung des Bewegungsapparates
Dauer / Preis | 30 min 35,- | 45 min 70,- |
Heilmassagen und Faszienbehandlung
Zur Behandlung von Schmerzen
Dauer / Preis | 30 min 35,- | 45 min 70,- |
Verbesserung der Bewegungsabläufe
Dauer / Preis | 30 min 35,- | 45 min 70,- |